Welcome to the Doctor's Corner

Our practical thoughts on health and other things that will make your life better.

Please note: Caring Sunshine is unique in that we provide expert health help to our customers. If you have specific questions about your situation, we invite you to book a free consultation with Dr. Shannyn Fowl.

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Weight loss: Beware of “rewarding” yourself

If you are doing healthy things and hitting health goals, it is good to celebrate. But, you have to be careful about that because as it turns out, those “rewards” are often devasting. Here is a picture we took this week in an ice cream shop.

Want a milkshake? At this shop, it will cost you up to 2500 calories! In terms of exercise, that is roughly five hours of running or 10 hours of walking.

I can’t prove it, but my guess is that people “rewarding” themselves after a workout leads to an awful lot of weight gain.

Be careful. You cannot out-exercise milkshakes with calories in the four-digit range. I am not saying to never drink a milkshake, but you have to count the cost.

Weight loss: A marathon, not a sprint

In college, I had a roommate who was a wrestler. He was always shifting weight classes, and typically, he was told his weight class just a few days before an event.

What that meant was that he might have to gain or lose ten pounds in less than a week. And strangely enough, he almost always hit his weight target.

He did not do it in a healthy way though. One week, he was eating three Big Macs for breakfast to jump to the next weight class, and the next week, he was starving himself to drop to another weight class.

Obviously, this kind of extreme weight management is unhealthy. Binging on fast food is obviously unhealthy. But starving yourself is unhealthy too and counterproductive because it results in a loss of muscle mass and energy.

Remember: if your weight loss regimen is causing you to lose muscle mass, you are doing it wrong. If you don’t have enough energy, you are doing it wrong.

This is why you want to pace yourself so that you are losing 1-2 pounds/week. If you try to be more extreme than that, you might see great short-term results, but you are setting yourself up to fail long-term.

Here is why that is true. Muscles burn calories, even when at rest. So, if you lose muscle mass, you are actually losing the ability to burn calories down the road. When you stop dieting, you will find that you will gain the weight back even faster.

The same is true for your metabolism. If you give your body fewer calories to work with, your metabolism will slow down as your body adjusts. People with slower metabolisms are going to burn fewer calories. You want to be careful not to retrain your body’s metabolism because again, after you quit dieting, you may end up gaining weight even faster.

When you create a calorie deficiency, you need to be looking for about 500-600 calories/day. In other words, if you calculate that you burn about 2,000 calories a day, you should be trying to consume around 1,500. This will keep you on a healthy weight loss pace where you are losing a pound or two a week.

The moral of the story? Take it easy and take your time. Don’t go too crazy. This is a marathon and not a sprint.

Just to remind you what a healthy weight loss pattern looks like, here again is mine from last year.

Emotional health: Beware of noise

As we wrote above, weighing yourself regularly is an important part of your weight loss journey. However, you need to be careful because if you weigh yourself too often, your emotional health will suffer.

Here’s why: there are going to be normal fluctuations in your weight throughout the day. If you are weighing yourself all day long, you are going to be watching your weight go “up” a high percentage of the time even if you are dropping weight week by week.

Those fluctuations are “noise” because they are irrelevant to the big picture. Who cares if you are apparently gaining weight during some hours of the day if you are losing a few pounds each week?

That noise however will cause your emotions to jump around all during the day. Every time you see the weight rise, you will start to feel like a failure. This is not healthy and may even lead you to give up on losing weight.

Here is a big tip: When you are measuring something, be careful to measure it at proper intervals or you will just end up measuring meaningless noise.

You do not want random noise to affect your mood. For example, most experts recommend that you weigh on a weekly basis to protect your emotions from random ups and downs.

You can apply this principle to other parts of your life as well. Worried about the stock market and your retirement fund? Don’t watch the market every day. Watch it only as often as you need to in order to make the decisions you might need to make.

Or, do you own a business? Be careful about watching your sales constantly. Doing so will wreck your emotions during a slow morning even if you end up with a great sales day overall.

Did your child get a bad grade on a quiz? Before you get too worried, stop to look at their overall grades.

Here is the principle again: if you are experiencing stress in your life, take some time to evaluate what life metrics are giving you stress and whether you are measuring them too often.

Weight loss: The importance of counting

Here is a principle about business: if you want a business metric to improve, just start watching it and tracking it. As if by magic, that metric will usually start going in a positive direction.

Why? It is simple really… If you start watching a metric, you will naturally start making decisions with that metric in mind. Eventually, those decisions will start to pay off.

This concept works outside of business of course. Weight loss is the same way. If you want to lose weight, you need to track some metrics.

For example, you need to track your weight itself. Put aside your fears, get on a scale, and record the weight you see. Start weighing yourself every week at the same time and recording it.

There are two other big numbers I want you to track:

How many calories your body is burning

You can generally get a handle on this number by using a simple calculator to determine how many calories you burn at rest. Then add the number of calories you burn through exercise on an average day. You will likely end up with a number that is in the range of 1800-2500 calories per day.

You only have to do this calculation once every few months or so. Once you have the number, you just need to make sure that you keep your calorie consumption under it. Ideally, during weight loss times, around 500-600 calories under it.

How many calories your body is consuming

Let’s face it: calorie counting is tedious. Even with today’s apps and online diaries, it can be a bit overwhelming. I get it.

Please do it anyway…

The truth is you will almost certainly not lose weight if you are not watching/recording your calorie numbers. You will fudge (no pun intended) things, underestimate serving sizes, forget snacks, and in general, rationalize bad decisions left and right.

We do not sell any online services that help you track the foods you eat. There are several good ones and I encourage you to research them. I will tell you that I lost my 30 pounds with WW (Weight Watchers). It costs a little money, but it is money well spent. WW has been around for decades because it works. And, it really is easy to record foods using their points system.

I can’t say how important this is. Please just bite the bullet, get on a scale, and start managing these two calorie numbers. Here is what happened to my weight when I did. (This chart came out of the WW app.)

Weight loss: Creating a calorie deficiency

Weight loss has a lot of complicating factors, but at the end of the day, it comes down to this: you have to consume fewer calories than you burn.

When I talk about creating a calorie deficiency, I am simply referring to getting to a point at which you are consuming at least a few hundred fewer calories a day than you burn. Ideally, it should be around 500-600 calories, which should translate into 1-2 pounds a week in weight loss.

I have been telling you for a few weeks to start making two lists:

* a list of foods that are healthy that you enjoy eating

* a list of foods that are unhealthy that you are willing to temporarily remove from your diet

The truth is that those two lists are probably the key to setting up your calorie deficiency. All you have to do is replace the foods on the second list with foods from the first list. It will not even be that painful since you enjoy the foods on the first list.

As an example, candy is on my second list while fruit is on my first list. I made a conscious decision to stop eating candy and start eating a lot more fruit instead. I replaced some meats with more grilled chicken, and some lunches with protein shakes.

Simple? Pretty much.

This is the essence of weight loss. But, if I stopped here, I would not be going far enough because we really need to quantify things. We need hard numbers so you are not guessing.

For example, we need to know how many calories you burn in a day both while resting and while exercising. We also need to know about calories in food. I am going to recommend calorie counting because calorie counting really works. It does not have to be too hard though. You can easily keep up with your calories in less than ten minutes a day.

Yes, it is really not enough to just say consume fewer calories. Numbers matter. The hard numbers translate into targets and goals, and the psychology of goals makes all the difference.

We will get into those next week.

Weight loss: Jump into the deep end

Making life improvements is sort of like getting into a pool when you know the water is going to be cold. You can either ease into the shallow end or jump into the deep end.

We all know of course that just jumping into the pool is going to be less painful in the long run, but many of us go to that shallow end anyway. Why? I have no idea. Someone should do a study on that.

In regards to weight loss, people are the same way. A few go in hard and committed, but most decide to just start easing in the right direction. For example, they might say things like this:

* I will start by cutting soda out of my diet.

* I will stop eating after 8:00 pm.

* I will start cutting back on carbs.

* I will start taking my lunch to work instead of going out.

* I will start walking two miles every night after dinner.

These are all great things to do, but here is something important to know:

While you can possibly maintain your current weight with small adjustments to your lifestyle, you have to do something more radical to actually start losing weight in a meaningful way.

Let’s consider why this is true. Though there are many factors at play and while I run the risk of oversimplifying things, losing a pound of fat requires you to create a deficiency of somewhere around 3,000 calories.

Here is an example. Let’s say that you are burning 2200 calories a day and eating 2200 calories a day. In that case, you will be maintaining your weight. Now, if you choose to make a modest improvement to your lifestyle, you can begin creating a calorie deficiency, but probably only a few hundred calories per day at most.

In that scenario, you would lose weight, but only a pound or two a month.

The more likely scenario is even worse. If you are worried about your weight, you are probably at a point where you have a daily surplus of calories and are slowly gaining weight. In that scenario, simply making small adjustments may at best stop the weight gain and at worse, just slow it down.

The bigger problem though is not the weight loss itself. It is the psychology involved: the discouragement of trying to make sacrifices and seeing no results. If you are sacrificing without results, your lifestyle improvements will not last long. You will give up.

My suggestion is to stop playing around and jump in the deep end of the pool. Get your weight loss done by creating a significant calorie deficiency. If you can start eating 600 calories less than you burn each day, you will start losing a pound every 4-5 days and hit a healthy target of 1-2 pounds/week.

Seeing those kinds of results will keep you going. And more importantly, once you start seeing results, you can start to see a finish line. You will not have to do this for the rest of your life. In my case, it took me about 4 months to lose 30 pounds. At that point, I resumed a fairly normal diet with modest improvements that allow me to avoid calorie surplusses and weight gain.

I should say that creating too big of a calorie deficiency is not healthy either. In fact, if you don’t eat enough to maintain your muscle mass, this will all boomerang on you. Almost every credible health professional says that you should be targetting a weight loss goal of just a few pounds a week at most. Shoot for that reduction of 500-600 calories a day.

Next week, we will get more into how to get this calorie deficiency set up. Keep working on your list of unhealthy foods you are willing to eliminate and healthy foods you enjoy eating.

Weight loss: Don’t let it destroy your life!

Practical thoughts about weight loss 

There is plenty to both like and dislike about Dave Ramsey, the personal finance guy. For me, Ramsey is a mixed bag, but I have learned some things from him over the years.

Until I understood better, I used to get annoyed by one bit of advice Ramsey would give. A caller would ask what order he should use to pay his debts off and Ramsey always said to pay the smallest off first. I thought that was stupid; purely from a financial standpoint, the debt with the highest interest rate should always be paid off first. Why would you pay off a debt with a 1% interest rate if you have another debt with a 20% interest rate?

The truth is Ramsey knew something I did not yet understand: people are not going to get out of debt unless they have the will to get out of debt, and they will not have the will to get out of debt unless they believe it is possible.

And the best way to get them to believe it is possible is to get them some wins under their belt.

In other words, Ramsey’s approach to debt is more psychological than financial. He knows that the psychology of debt reduction is more important than saving a few dollars on interest. He wants people to quickly learn that debt reduction is possible and once the wins start coming, it can actually be fun.

The same is true for weight loss. The psychology of weight loss is far more important than the specific weight loss plan you choose. 

What matters most is that you get into the game, believing you can win and probably more importantly, believing that your weight loss regimen is not going to destroy your life.

And that brings me to this week’s weight loss tip: don’t do a weight-loss regimen that is going to destroy your life. Pick a plan that you can tolerate or even enjoy.

We will talk about this next week, but make sure that your diet includes foods you love. For example, if you are addicted to ice cream, choose a diet that allows you to still have some ice cream once in a while (even if less frequently with smaller portions).

The truth is that you are not going to be successful if you try to do something that you will hate. We will talk about this more next week, but here is a little homework for those of you considering weight loss. I want you to start making two lists:

* a list of healthy foods you enjoy

* a list of unhealthy foods you eat now but can live without.

We will get into these lists next time.

Practical thoughts about weight loss

In early 2021, I (Greg) got on the scale and my heart sank when I realized I was just over 200 lbs (roughly 30 pounds overweight).

Over the course of the next 3.5 months, I lost the 30 pounds and have kept them off ever since. Some people lose a lot more than 30 pounds and my hat is off to them, but I am here to tell you that just losing 30 pounds is hard. Many of you know this already.

I learned a few things during those 3.5 months that I want to share over the coming weeks.

I will start with the most important thing of all. This is something that most people surprisingly do not understand. Here it is:

What you eat is far more important than any exercise you choose to do.

Look at it this way: it takes a lot of work to burn a few hundred calories. A typical exercise routine will burn around 500 calories/hour (check out this helpful chart).

On the flip side, it takes about six minutes and no effort at all to consume 500 calories. All you have to do is stop by a McDonalds and buy a milkshake. A small milkshake…

It is very tempting to reward yourself after a workout with a snack that completely wipes out any weight loss benefit you got from all the work. If you fall into that trap, you will struggle to lose weight.

I understand that there are lots of benefits to exercise beyond burning calories and some of those benefits can indirectly help weight loss. But don’t ever fall into the trap of thinking you can out-exercise a bad diet. You can’t.

If you want to lose weight, it is all about the food you eat.

I want to talk about food over the coming weeks–how to choose it and how to measure it and most importantly, how to come up with a food plan that you will enjoy enough to stick with. The simple truth is you will never stick with a diet if you do not enjoy the food.

Which is better: Organic or pesticide-free?

When you purchase foods or supplements, lots of you look for the organic label, mostly because you want foods that are not grown with pesticides or other chemical substances. But, are you getting what you are paying for?

It depends… What you are about to read may surprise you.

Organic foods are certified by several different organizations with various levels of strictness, and organic certification means different things in different countries. Europe for example has much more comprehensive standards for organic certification than we have here in the US.

Here is what you need to know: from a practical standpoint, there is no universal standard for what organic really means. in fact, in many cases, the organic label is unfortunately little more than a marketing tool. It can mean very little.

On the other hand, the claim that a product is pesticide-free is another matter entirely. While it does not sound as impressive as organic, it actually is a qualifiably better claim. Let us explain.

While the organic label is just a certification, claiming something is pesticide-free means that someone has examined it in a lab and eliminated the possibility of pesticides.

In other words, while claiming a product is organic just means a farm has passed a test, claiming a product is pesticide-free is a scientific determination.

Let’s say that the organic farm sits by a farm that is not organic and uses crop dusting. The produce from that farm may be certified organic but it is absolutely not pesticide-free. The same would be true if an organic farm is downstream from a water source that has pesticides in it.

While this nuance is important when considering food, it is also important in the realm of health supplements. We bring this up because pesticide testing is one of many tests that Nature’s Sunshine does on all applicable ingredients. This allows you to know for sure that you are not consuming pesticides.

We like science more than marketing spin at Caring Sunshine. That is why we prefer the pesticide-free claim over any organic claim.

And that is a big difference between Nature’s Sunshine and other brands. Depending on an organic certification is common; actually putting a product under a microscope is going the extra mile.

Nature’s Sunshine TCM formulas

Have you wondered why Nature’s Sunshine often has multiple products with almost the same name?

An extreme example is Kidney Activator. Nature’s Sunshine actually has four products called Kidney Activator. These formulas are all unique, and to be honest, a typical consumer can get very confused when comparing them.

This kind of scenario exists because Nature’s Sunshine has always catered to practitioners that are highly skilled in herbs and often have slightly different approaches to various health conditions. However, that does not make it easier for consumers who simply do not have the expertise to understand the slight differences.

Here is a good rule of thumb: when you come across Nature’s Sunshine products with the same name, choose the one that has TCM at the end. Almost always, that is the best choice both in terms of effectiveness and cost.

TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Many of Nature’s Sunshine’s herbal formulas are based on Chinese medicine, but the TCM formulas are special premium formulations. This is true not because the actual herbs are different but rather because the form of the herb used is an extract.

Herbal extracts are superior because the herb is processed in such a way to eliminate the material that does not matter, leaving just a highly concentrated amount of the material that DOES matter (sometimes called the active constituent). This process is standardized to ensure that there is a certain level of this active constituent.

In other words, while you may have some variance in the quality/potency of herbs because of where/when it is harvested, herbal extracts eliminate that variance. You know exactly what you are getting.

Because the TCM formulas are extracts, they are much more consistent, potent formulas. And, even though the bottles only contain 30 capsules, they are also more cost-effective. Here is why: you only need to take 1 capsule a day vs several capsules each day for the non-TCM formulas.

An example is Lung Support. The basic Lung Support formula costs $24.65 and contains 100 capsules. However, the recommended dosage is 6 capsules a day for a daily cost of $1.46. On the other hand, Lung Support TCM costs $32.20 for 30 capsules. But, because you only take one capsule per day, your daily cost is just $1.07.

On top of the cost savings and increased potency, TCM formulas save you shipping cost and require you to swallow fewer capsules (because who REALLY wants to swallow lots of capsules?)

Sixteen of the most popular Nature’s Sunshine herbal formulas are available in TCM. We strongly encourage you to purchase that option when you see them.