The top fear about aging is declining mental capacity. My guess is many of you have fears about cognitive decline. I do too, especially when observing the devastating effects of dementia and similar diseases on family members.
Be positive: Cognitive decline is on the increase in the United States and worldwide, but the increase is primarily driven by the reality that the population is getting older and people are living longer. There is a lot of evidence that preventative strategies are actually reducing the risk of cognitive disease.
Case in point: I want to highlight a new study about folic acid and DHA.
Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps your body grow new, healthy cells. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) has a similar function in the body but is especially important for brain tissue.
In the study, one group took just folic acid, one group took just DHA, one group took both, and a control group took neither. While the groups taking only folic acid and only DHA saw some improvement, the group taking both DHA and folic acid saw the most improvement by far.
Here is a warning: After the trial, the subjects were retested, and the positive impact of folic acid and DHA diminished extremely fast after the participants stopped their regimen. Keep the nutrition flowing.
The primary diet sources of DHA are seafood, eggs, and some plant sources such as flaxseed. You can get folic acid primarily from green vegetables. And, of course, you can get both nutrients from high-quality supplements.
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash