I live just a few blocks from an Orange Theory gym, so I have been working out there for the past few months. Since a lot of you probably live near those studios and may have considered trying them out, here is my review.
After you join an OT gym, you sign up for roughly 1-hour managed classes, which rotate through sessions with floor weights, rowers, and treadmills.
There is a big emphasis on heart rate. Many participants wear heart rate monitors and their statistics are shown on big screens in the gym. If you are shy and don’t want everyone knowing your heart rate, you don’t have to wear one, or you can just use something like an Apple watch (or just ignore your heart rate altogether).
The Orange Theory workouts are considered HIIT, meaning High-Intensity Interval Training. They are designed to push you for short periods of time and then give you brief rest periods.
OT is not for the faint of heart. It is the most challenging workout I have ever done, and I have done a lot of things. In a typical workout, you might burn 500-800 calories and end up drenched in sweat.
So, should you do something like Orange Theory? Honestly, I am not sure that most people should, because I would argue it is just a bit extreme and unnecessary. Here are some things to consider.
- It is pricey (around $150/month). There are way, way cheaper options, such as an annual subscription to Beach Body for $150/year.
- If you are not already in reasonable shape, don’t attempt it. That is especially true for older people. Plenty of older people do OT, but the majority of the studio will be young.
- If you do HIIT programs like OT, you certainly do not need to do it every day. I go 3-4 times/week and take it relatively easy on other days.
- OT gamifies things in ways that are designed to make you push yourself. That is fine to an extent, but you should never forget that real harm and injuries can come from pushing yourself too hard. If you are susceptible to pushing yourself too hard, be careful with this kind of program.
- If you have heart disease risks, avoid OT.
Above all, remember this: Just because something is hard does not mean it is best or even good. I understand the feeling of wanting to take a radical step to improve your life. However, good health does not usually require you to be radical. In fact, most of us simply need to make incremental improvements. We don’t need to run marathons; we just need to get out and walk more.
I want to reinforce that people with certain personality traits are likely to do themselves damage on these kinds of programs. I have to watch myself carefully. If I push myself too hard to hit various goals (such as a 2,000-meter row), I can end up with injuries that keep me out of the gym for weeks. In fact, pushing yourself too hard could even endanger your life.
Here is one more reminder: even if you do something extreme like OT, that should not be used as an excuse to eat badly. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet.
Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash