5-HTP and your appetite

hands with capsules

5-HTP is a fairly popular supplement here at Caring Sunshine. Let’s talk about why:

5-HTP is, first and foremost, a naturally occurring amino acid. For today’s discussion, it is important because it assists in the body’s production of serotonin, which regulates mood, sleep, and other mental issues.

By the way, the regulation of serotonin is the main premise behind most of the depression medications on the market. In fact, like many supplements, 5-HTP is also manufactured and used as a drug.

Here is something you should know: There is very strong clinical evidence that 5-HTP improves mood. And, when the mood improves, eating behavior changes, which leads to weight loss.

Here are two studies:

In these two studies, subjects who used 5-HTP decreased caloric intake. In fact, the results were so dramatic that, in one of the studies, a diet plan was advised for people using 5-HTP to avoid the risk of eating too little.

In the other study, people taking 5-HTP ate less carbs but reported feeling fuller for longer.

Even if you have no interest in 5-HTP, here is a key weight management principle: Your mood matters. There is a connection between mental stress and increased eating; people who are under stress just tend to eat more.

For that reason, a good weight management program should put some focus on mental state, emotions, and sleep.

Disclaimer: 5- HTP should not be taken without asking your doctor if you are on any type of mental health medication (especially an antidepressant).


Photo by Mariana Rascão on Unsplash