Stress: You can handle it (Part 2)
This article is reprinted with permission from herbalist expert Steven Horne. You can read part [...]
Stress: You can handle it (Part 1)
This article is reprinted with permission from herbalist expert Steven Horne. Life is filled with [...]
Recovery from long COVID (Part 2)
Editors note: This article is adapted from an article written by herbal expert Steven Horne [...]
Recovery from long COVID (Part 1)
Editors note: This article is adapted from an article written by herbal expert Steven Horne [...]
How tea can help your health
Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, and it has many potential [...]
Caffeinate with care
Whether you enjoy chocolate, coffee, tea, or energy drinks, chances are good you’re among the [...]
Your best chance at a great night’s sleep
“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and [...]
How nutritional supplement companies misuse clinical studies
I have talked before about the primary ways that supplement companies sell their products to [...]
Why supplements are contaminated and what to do about it
One of the biggest reasons that people turn to supplements is that they are not [...]
How to get the most out of doctor visits
We all have frustrations with doctor visits from time to time. Very often, the visit [...]