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Nature's Sunshine


100 Capsules
Stock #: 900

This product has been discontinued by Nature’s Sunshine. Caring Sunshine has no stock available.

Available Alternate(s):
Stomach Comfort (Chewable) - 60 tablets
Ginger - 100 Capsules
Licorice Root - 100 Capsules


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Product Information

Why take this product?

This product has been discontinued. Suggested replacement: Stomach Comfort

  • Soothes the digestive system
  • Boosts the immune system

How it works

Nature’s Sunshine FV nourishes the digestive, immune, and lymph systems. Together, ginger root, capsicum fruit, golden seal herb, and licorice root work to sooth the stomach, assist in alleviating stomach irritation, and boost immunity. FV may offer relief for occasional stomach upset.


Technical information


Recommended use

Product Categories:

Product Label

Natures Sunshine FV