Candida Clear
14 Day ProgramStock #: 958
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Availability: In stock as of 02/07/2025.
Expiration Date: 5/2025
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Product Information
Why take this product?
- Balances Candida albicans levels
- Nourishes the immune system
- Provides for a healthy intestinal tract
How it works
Nature’s Sunshine Candida Clear balances the body’s level of candida. Candida albicans, a natural flora found in the gut, can occasionally flourish too abundantly. Candida Clear works to balance Candida albicans overgrowth. This 14-day cleansing program contains the Candida Clear Combo pack and the Candida Clear Enzyme pack. Both packs work to support intestinal health by balancing the colonization of Candida. The enzymes in the enzyme pack support the intestinal tract.
Technical information
2 capsules of Pau D'Arco (combo packet), 2 capsules of Caprylic Acid (combo packet), 2 capsules Yeast/Fungal Detox (combo packet), cellulase (enzyme packet), protease concentrate (enzyme packet), amylase (enzyme packet), protease (enzyme packet), bromelain (enzyme packet), hemicellulase (enzyme packet), glucoamylase (enzyme packet)
Recommended use
Take contents of one Combo Packet three times daily with meals. Take contents of one Enzyme Packet three times daily on an empty stomach.
Product Categories: Cleansing/Detox, Indigestion